Welcome to the Synergy Gym Blog. Please stay tuned for training tips.
Welcome to the Synergy Gym Blog. Please stay tuned for training tips.
Starting a new activity, especially one as intense as fighting, can be daunting and it’s natural to feel fear and anxiety. However, with the right mindset and approach, it’s possible to overcome these fears and thrive in a fight gym. Here are a few tips that may help:
It’s important to keep in mind that overcoming fear is a process that takes time and practice, but with the right attitude and approach, it’s possible to not only attend but thrive in a fight gym.
Throwing a punch is a complex movement that involves coordination and proper technique. Here are some key points to keep in mind when trying to throw a perfect punch.
It is important to remember that punching is a skill that takes practice to perfect, so it’s important to practice regularly and work on your technique in the gym with one of our experienced trainers.
The Perfect Right Kick!!
The Muay Thai body kick is one of the toughest techniques to master. The reasoning behind that is this effective weapon incorporates the whole body into the motion, one mistake can throw off the technique ?
In this video @roy_the_rebel breaks down this technique with @ciancuzz into 3 Steps to demonstrate how he’s effectively used this weapon to bring success in his career ?
✅ Step 1: Step across the body
✅ Step 2: Pivot on foot after stepping across to generate power
✅ Step 3: Roll hips over as you pivot on foot
“All I have to do is work on transition and technique” – Usain Bolt ?
?Explosive Straight Punches?
In combat sports when punching a target we contract our muscles ?? in two ways ECCENTRIC vs CONCENTRIC
Concentric movements shorten the muscles that accelerate the arm forward
Eccentric movements lengthen the muscle under the tension when making contact
The Landmine Punch Drill
✅ Is an exercise that replicates a sport specific movement
✅ Training for greater eccentric utilisation can create more powerful explosive punching
✅ Increases eccentric utilisation which can assist in explosive counter punching
For this drill we do 3 to 5 reps for 3 to 5 sets ?
? Powerful Muay Thai Step up Knee Technique ?
@cianlougheed_ has one of the most devastating step up knees in Aussie Muay Thai ?? In this vid @roy_the_rebel breaks down the technique of this effective strike used by The Pit fight team
Key Tips:
✅ Close Distance with Faint or Strike
✅ Step Forward at same time
✅ Throw knee aim for torso region
✅ As knee is thrown make sure toes are pointed down and hips are thrusted forward
✅ Extend guard out to protect against counter strike
? Real Agility ?
During competition athletes have to react to live stimulus ? They have to change their body position and movements based on what is happening around them, in real time. At no point does an opponent tell you what they are going to do next and give you time to prepare for it. How good would that be if they did ?
Endless pre programmed drills doesn’t prepare you for real life competition so why train that way? ?
Here’s some reactive agility drilling done ✅ at Synergy with our athletes